The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Permanent Secretariat

Cookie and Data Policy of the Official webpage of the Commision on the Protection of The Blakc Sea Against Pollution


Intenet communication standards include provisions for storing of text data on the client's (web page viistor, i.e. your) computer or your mobile device) - known as cookies.

Cookies in general can only be accessed by the web page which set them, however it is possible using special scripts for a web site to access cookes set by other web sites, thus gathering information about the web pages you have visited and how you interacted with them(e.g. how long you were on the page, how you interacted with the page, etc).

The web page of the Commision on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution does not contain scripts from third parties and does not set any other cookies than those described below.

Upon opening of a web page on the official web page of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution ( a session cookie(s) is set in your computer. You may restrict this in your browsers settings without affecting the performance of the web site. The cookies which are set deleted (or expire) approximately 20 minutes after the visitor leaves the page - these are known as session state cookies and are the only cookies used by the site.

Cookies are not used to personally identify, or attempt any profiling for any purpose whatsoever.

Third party scripts and cookies

The ste does not include third party scripts, cookies, embedded code and other technologies used to profile, idenfify collect personal data or otherwise track your ativity. This web page only contains scripts required and placed by Google © for the operation of Google Maps ©

Server Logs

The web server of this web page logs the internet IP address (the address given by your Internet Service Provider) of the client requesting the webpage of the Black Sea Commission, and the clent computer's declared browser and the date and time of the visit. This information is used and analyzed in highy aggregated indicators for improvine the web page reachout, improving design, detection, debugging and correction of errors, proteection from malicious internet attacks and similar purposes. Treating the web page's visitor data privacy with highest concern and priority, no information is collected or analyzed which may be used to identify the person, attempt to profile or analyze market or other behaviour of this web page's visitors.


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