The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Permanent Secretariat

Activity Centers - Pollution Monitoring and Assessment

Regional PMA Activity Center

•The Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES) is the Black Sea Regional Activity Center for Pollution Monitoring and Assessment (RAC PMA) in accordance with the “Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea” (BS- SAP 1996, reiterated to the new SAP2009).

•The Activity Center is based in Odessa Ukraine following Resolution 4, Para 3 of the Bucharest Diplomatic Conference in 1992 and was initially established with the financial assistance of BSEP (Black Sea Environment Program, 1993-1996). It functions now based on the in-kind contribution provided by the Government of Ukraine with additional financial assistance from donors where possible and necessary.

•The purpose of the RAC PMA Ukraine is to provide support both to the Advisory Group for Pollution Monitoring and Assessment (AG PMA) and to the Black Sea Commission and its Permanent Secretariat.

•The RAC PMA together with the AG PMA deals with organizational, scientific-methodological and technical functioning of the Regional Monitoring System (Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme - BSIMAP) and conducts assessments of pollution/eutrophication of the Black Sea within the framework of the Black Sea Commission Work Program and in support of the implementation of the Bucharest Convention, its Protocols and SAP2009.


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